They're only about half an inch in size, but they're growing! I was really worried that I'd traumatized my tomato plant because Lou and I went home to NJ for a family thing last weekend and we were gone from Thursday until Sunday. I thought for sure my tomato plant (and the jalepeno plant) would be screaming out for a sip of water when we got back. But clearly, all is well in tomatoville. I'm not a deadbeat plant mommy afterall!
They are looking good!
I love your blog it is so cute may I link it from my blog!
It's too bad the tomatoes and jalepenos didn't mate while you were gone. You would be able to make the most awesome (and easiest) salsa ever.
btw, i just found your blog and I really like your etsy items. I'm now headed off to your shop.
Thank you for adding me back! Are you Italian too? The tomatoes gave it away... I mean your name maybe?
mm..I love to cook. That's an italian thing right? My dad is italian and my mom is irish. Sadly..I got the pale irish skin tone. hehe..
Yeah, but you also got my good looks, lol.
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