Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Mother Teresa of stray cats?

There's been a new stray kitty hanging outside on my porch. This one I feel particularly attached to because he/she reminds me of my other cat Ein. I guess most torie cats look similar, but this one bugs me out sometimes. I'll see him/her (still can't figure out if it's a girl or a boy..I'm assuming girl because most tories are) stroll by and freak out thinking Ein has escaped to the outside. I also feel bad for it because it's not a full grown cat, more like a teenager. And I imagine that this cat doesn't know what kind of hardships it really has ahead of it. I have a discarded cat scratching post in the corner on my porch that she likes to sit on until 4 in the morning, then disappears until the next evening.
She's really friendly too. The other day I was thinking about a news story I read about a young kid that set a cat on fire and I really got worried. Was I doing a disservice to the cat by being friendly to it and getting her used to humans? I can't protect every stray in the area. Is being feral the only way to protect themselves from heartless human beings? Lou said no, it'll be fine. But I can't help worrying.

This is my inside kitty Ein. Doesn't she look like my stray friend?

Aside from being the Mother Teresa of cats I've been trying hard to stay motivated and get my pictures uploaded, edited, and listed. I have almost all of my Halloween Plini figurines up and then a few more to go, and one custom order I've still been working on. I can't wait to get that one finished. It's coming out really cute! Pictures to follow soon.


Tia Colleen said...

I'll take that bedspread now please, thankyouverymuch!

Kim Caro said...

i like how you added your kitty loving-ness into your little figurines :)

Rosebud Collection said...

I always feel sorry for outdoor cats..We have one that we feed, but you can't get near her. Love the little people..

Unknown said...

we may have to start calling you the kitty whisperer!

Stacey said...

Your kitty and the one that has been hanging around look so similar, they would be lovely siblings maybe. :)

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

It's a girl. All calicos are girls. If you get one that's a male, you can probably sell it for a million because they don't exist.

Maybe I can get you to come down here and visit me if I offer to let one of your stray kitties live in my barn.

Contrariwise said...

Is that Plini in the front row your cat Ein?

She's got such cute little kitty ears!