Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Converse Wedding

Two weeks ago [yes, I'm slow at posting events] friends of Lou and mine got married. He was in the wedding party and I was left to fend for myself in a sea of people I didn't least until the reception started. The point of my story is...I made the happy couple a wedding set as a gift. The unique part of it was the fact that all of the groomsmen wore black Converse shoes and I made sure to include that tidbit in the groom figure. I think it came out really well. And our friends were amazed that I was able to get such detail into something so incredibly small! I'm really happy that they were able to appreciate the work I put into it. You just don't know if someone is going to treasure something handmade the same way as the person who made it.

Also, at some point during the night when we were all up dancing, someone bumped into me and spilled RED WINE all down the front of my dress. It was dripping off my legs that's how much there was. As I stood there stunned, the jerk slinked away and I never saw who it was. But the funny part was literally seconds after it happened everyone around turned to me and saw me covered in red wine and then saw Lou standing there holding a reddish colored drink. The real culprit nowhere to be found, Lou was framed! And everyone yelled at him.

Almost immediately after it happened, someone ran over to me with a Tide-To-Go pen insisting it would help. I had already accepted the fact that I never again would be able to wear my favorite dress of all time. But miraculously it came out! And this was after it had been set in the dress for a good day or so [since we hadn't headed home until the following day].


Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

You look so pretty. Even with that big stain. Glad it came out!

The little details you put into your Plinis are amazing. Converse sneakers! That's one of the reasons they are so great.

Yesenia M. said...

You look like Lily Allen in that one picture.

magicbeanbuyer said...

neat! I'll take it.

Melly Kay said...

the converse shoes are just too much LOL! I love it :)

Ally ☁ ☼ said...

YAY for converse lol
I love your wedding figurines!

Dennise said...

Your work is amazing! I love that little bride and groom! xo

magicbeanbuyer said...

thank you!