Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a new secret lair

For those not in the know, I recently moved to North Carolina, from Delaware! Lou got a job down here, and we just up and moved. It's pretty scary! A huge decision. We left all of our friends, my job, shopping tax-free (*sniffle*). We've been here about 2 and a half weeks and things are finally starting to settle down. There's only one or two boxes left to unpack. But even better news, with his new salary, I can devote my time to selling my artwork full-time! Livin the dream (hopefully). And of course, during the move, I threw out my light box and I have mountains of new figurines ready to list that need their pictures taken! Luckily, it's just a diy box from foam core. I just have to go pick up some more from the store! (so.very.lazy) Plini dolls, kittehs, birds, some more necklaces. And I finally got around to bringing my bird earrings back! I have lots of colors ready to go!

And a little side project...determined to make something super cute from a video game that Lou plays that I find not so super cute at all...Call of Duty.
I present...the grenade.


Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

Funny, even your grenades are cute!

You can do it. You will be a big success. People just have to find your stuff.

Lemon Shortbread said...

The greenade is sooo cute (strange sentence lol)! yes call of duty and modern warfare - seems like all the guys are playing it =S Hope you'll get back to art fulltime soon.

magicbeanbuyer said...

haha...The boyfriend is bugging me to make a "cute" Claymore now. We'll see...

Sweetflutterbys3 said...

I love all your artwork! So cute! Good for you moving like that to North Carolina. It's a nice place to live. I'm glad your almost settled in. I've moved several times and I know how hard it is finding all your stuff and getting it organized.

magicbeanbuyer said...

Aw thanks! Yeah, I finally hung some pictures on the wall, so things feel a little more organized. Not looking forward to our next move, when ever that is!

Nellie Le said...

the grenade is super cute!!! i think you should make more not-so-cute things into super cute things! :D

magicbeanbuyer said...

time to start a list! "Not cute things that need cute makeovers"