Is this a normal occurrence for all cats? Because every cat I've had does this. The house is filled with tons of surfaces to sleep on. Comfy ones, even. Without fail, if there's a random piece of paper randomly resting on a random section of the floor, one of the cats immediately curls up on it and goes to sleep. Here, I drew a visual.
oh well, my cats reject a 90 quid bed we recently got for them for the odd shopping bag that just happened to fall on the floor XD
I LOVE your drawing, sucha cute kitty!! :D cats are the same way. I buy them all these fancy toys and they'd rather play with a crumpled up piece of paper.
Haha aww bless!! Yeah my cats won't use their beds, but they do like to sleep on my mobile/laptop/microwave and clean washing (grr!) hehe :)
lol..they always sleep where they're not supposed to!
Mojo would rather sleep on the dog's bed that lay on the shopping bags I left on the floor xD. least that's somewhat normal.
The "visual" was so funny.
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