Our friend Phil decided this weekend was the weekend of all weekends to come and visit. Now, don't get me wrong, I love when my friends visit. But visiting friends equals no time left for me to craft. I did, however, manage to work on my mom's blog layout before he came. So there's that. And true to form, I somehow found the time to "whip up" a large pot of homemade potato soup. Which Lou, unsurprisingly, did not enjoy as much as I did.
Sunday afternoon into night was all I had left to myself. So I pushed myself to make a batch of Lil Dumplins. And if all goes to plan, I'll be able to paint at least a couple of them tonight.

I also promised Lou that I would mention him in my blog post today. He was able to tear himself away from his video games long enough to cook us dinner Sunday night. BLTs. Although he likes to call them "The grocery stores close early on Sunday" sandwiches, or something like that. We had all of the ingredients, but they weren't in abundance. He chopped the little bit of tomato we had for "better surface area" as he liked to call it. And also microwaved some salami to make the sandwich have more to it. He also said I couldn't call my sandwich a BLT because I put mine on a roll. And according to Lou, rolls are not bread. hm. Either way, it's nice when he cooks. Lou also made something called Sweet and Sour Kielbasa a few nights ago and even though he didn't like it I thought it was really good. The recipe can be found here. The flavor is a tad overpowering, so the more rice mixed in, the better. I'm also thinking it would taste good with egg noodles.

Lol, I love these little guys even before you paint them! But then, I collect creamware, which is all white, so that probably makes sense.
I just noticed your "Etsy sellers who Blog" link, and would love to join, but I'm not understanding the process. Would you have a couple of minutes to help me? I'll convo you on Etsy about it.
Glad you're liking the Book into Box tutorial!
It's so interesting to see the Lil Dumplins in process.
Mmm, what's the recipe for that soup?
Hah, that recipe is what you gave me from your neighbor. I just added some some extra stuff. Celery, carrots and a crapload of fresh parsley and basil. Yesenia has an herb garden, and according to her, being asian and all she never uses these new fangled italian herbs.
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