I'll admit it...I've been avoiding my blog for quite some time now. It's like a nagging parent reminding you that you have to clean your room. Or that book report that you have to write on that book you haven't read that's due on Monday. Basically I've been in turmoil over coming up with a new name for my Lil Dumplins. That, and I'm also moving at the end of the month. Ah yes, and the end of the month is in ONE WEEK. Lots of swirly craziness has ensued these past few weeks since my last post. Who has the time to document it all as it happens? Am I right?
My apartment is in disarray and I think it's clouding my crafting gene. I have a problem with clutter. If I see clutter, I can't think. And if I can't think, I surely can't paint cutesy tiny miniature faces on cutesy tiny figurines. So for that, I'm glad I only have a week left before the move. Then I can get back to the good stuff.
Most of my craft supplies are packed and ready to go. I didn't realize I had so much! Yarn, papers, clay, paints, boxes, ribbons, markers, pens, pencils, beads, scissors, stickers. Shall I go on? Dear lord, just thinking about moving all of this is tiring me out.
On to good things! I'm excited to report that I've chosen a name for my new figurines. Plini's. It's a spin-off of the word dumplins. They're slightly larger than the originals (for better detail!) and each one will be part of a series. Some of the series that I have brewing are the cupcake series, breakfast series, bird series and mushroom series. Each figurine will have an engraved symbol on the bottom along with my initials signifying which series they are a part of. Totally cute and totally fun! And I'll still be accepting custom orders because those are the best kind of orders!
I've also been working on a bit of a wedding present for my friends Yesenia and Neil(former roommates who moved out..which is why Lou and I are moving) who are getting married June 13th (Friday the 13th!)

I also made a second set to sell in my shop. The green accents match their wedding theme color. And I also tried to loosely base them on their actual appearance while still keeping the general style. It's been hard hiding it from them as I've been painting these little figures in the living room. But they're officially done and I can wrap them up until the wedding!
And there you have it. An update on the wonderful world of Plinis, moving and a wedding.
I expect to list my first wave of Plinis the first week of June after I've moved into my new apartment. So keep your eyeballs peeled!
Well you've been busy! What a lovely wedding present.
Good luck with the move. It's never fun, is it?
Love the wedding gift you made!
They are adorable.
Wishing you well on the move!
That bride and groom are adorable!
Love the bride and groom. You should bring some up to The New Mountain Mercantile in Floyd VA and see how they do here.
I'd love to bring them to virginia! I just have to find two seconds to build up an inventory...that's my biggest problem! haha..I guess that's not the worst problem I could have...
Yeah and maybe you can finally come and visit your mother!
Colleen is one of my writer friends Jam. She lives in a real artsy area down here called Floyd and she writes about it. Check out her blog: www.looseleafnotes.blogspot.com
Anyway, you are a bit of a writer, aren't you? You're cute--swirly stuff going on.
And I love the bride and groom!
Hey! you gotta visit your butt head of a sister down here too!! Love the wedding gift!! it is so cute!!!!!!!
Ca-uuute! I love these guys, they'd be awesome as wedding cake toppers!
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