I wouldn't say I'm an avid gardener. Most of the plants that I take into my custody end up dead. I'm not a plant hater, on the contrary, I think maybe I give too much love (..and water). When Lou and I moved into our new apartment at the beginning of the month (which is why I've been missing for so long.) I decided to start a garden. A porch garden. It would be nice if I actually had a patch of grass and dirt next to my living situation to call my own, but for now I have a slab of concrete. Failing to do any kind of research as to what plants work best potted and also failing to investigate the sun situation in my new digs, I wandered around Home Depot until I settled on a jalepeno plant and a tomato plant. I don't know if any of you are aware, but there are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes! I chose a tomato plant called "Sweet 100" only because the picture on the tag looked like cherry tomatoes, which thanks to my vast knowledge of tomato horiculture I knew I could manage to keep a cherry tomato plant surviving in a pot for at least most of the summer.

When I got home and potted the plant I stuck a chopstick in the soil to help support it whenever it got around to growing. And as I type, this plant is now reaching the height of my neck! Apparently the Sweet 100 plants get their name because they burst with clusters of tomatoes all over and can grow as tall as 8-9 feet! I've yet to see my first tomato, but there are flower buds all over.
My jalepeno plant is doing really well too. I just hope it doesn't feel inferior next to the Sweet 100.
In other news...I have lots of new Plinis available in my Etsy Shop! And I still have even more to list. I've also been playing around with the idea of ACEOs. It stands for Art Cards Editions Originals. They're little original works of art the size of a business card. It's an affordable and cute way to collect original artwork. I haven't decided what I'd like to make, but I'm having fun trying different techniques and getting used to the small dimension.

And now I'm off to the post office. Sad that they know me by name there now..all of them.
pretty impressive tomato plant you have there. i tried to plant some once and they got pretty tall but died before sprouting any fruit.
eek! I hope that doesn't happen to mine. My tomato plant last year only sprouted 3 or 4 fruits..not a very good harvest. Here's hoping things go better this time around!
in our garden we have, 6 tomato plants, 4 green pepper plants, strawberries, 4 Zuchini plants, & 4 sweet potato plants. its alot to weed. Your tomato plant is a giant. here's a joke. how about you name it giant? or tiny? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
I was THINKING that tomato plant looked quite leggy. So, it's a tall grower, huh? Curious to see what kind of fruit you get.
Love the little cards. That's a pretty picture.
Kurt said you should have renamed the Lil Dumplins/Plinis chingadoras.
Love the new Plini's!!
I also love the ATC's...those are so fun to create!
I love your gnome! :)
Great tomato plant! Mine are still tiny. Good luck with the ACEO's. Once you get the hang of painting small they become addictive.
The good news is....if they know you by name, it means you're obviously in there so much because you're selling! Yay!
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