I've been trying to teach myself amigurumi on my lunchbreak for the past few days (because it's the only time I have to myself lately!). Why didn't anyone tell me amigurumi equals instant arthritis?? The tips of my fingertips are KILLING me. All of this yarn pulling and wrapping and grabbing and sliding and yadda yadda. The plan is...once I manage to teach myself the basics, I'll be able to whip up some crocheted versions of my Plinis. How adorable would that be? At least in my head they look adorable. For those not in the know (mom) amigurumi is the japanese art of knitting or crocheting small adorable creatures or other inanimate objects with anthropomorphic features. Back in the day..my first glimpse into the amigurumi world was the work of
Roxy Craft to show you an example of awesomeness.
So here's how far I've gotten...

..mind you, this is after many attempts at getting the hang of increasing and decreasing my stitches so as not to make a lopsided mess.
In other news....look what has matured! The first fruits of my labor from my jalepeno plant! I immediately made salsa (naturally), which is now currently "brewing" in the fridge. mmm..I can't wait!

Oh, and can you see my toe in the bottom right of the photo near my wrist? Yeah...I took this picture with my chin. I'm skilled like that.
Oh, crochet versions of your cute plinis would be adorable! You know what i noticed, when i started out learning crocheting, my fingers hurted very much too, but now that i do it more often it gets less. Maybe it's because i'm more relaxed about it, not forcing anything, no straining. Besides ofcourse when i just go on and on and find myself chrocheting for hours at a time! :O
Hehe..I wonder if it's like learning the guitar. When you first start your finger tips aren't used to pressing down on the strings. Hopefully once I fully understand what I'm doing I'll be able to relax more!
You're right. I had no idea what the heck that was and can't even remember the word. They're neat though. Very trendy looking. It's funny, you young artists, so cool and forward--the Roxy company calls them patterns "that don't suck." I like that, lol. It's honest.
Enjoy your lone jalepeno. Now I don't want to brag, but my pepper plants are bending over at their waists from all the weight.
That's so cool of you to do something during your lunch break. Even if it is giving you arthritis... do you think you can get worker's comp for it? :)
I can't wait to see the finished product... both of the amigurumi and the salsa.
That's awesome! I never knew what amigurumi was. I can't wait to see what you'll make!
Congrats on your first jalapeno! I bet the salsa will be delicious! :)
Making amis is how I learned to crochet too! You'll have it down in no time!
your blog is adorable! and taking a picture with your chin...that takes talent! ;]
I really don't know how to do that type of crochet..but if you check out Lion Brand yarns, they have some adorable toy patterns..I think they are what you are talking about..anyway, you will get a kick out of the patterns..
Now about the photo taking..Your good..that is a feat in itself, taking a picture, holding camera with chin..your good..
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