I'm going to do a little bit of cheating/combining [shh!] because the two awards have relatively the same rules. The first award came from the lovely Ismoyo. And the second from both Pink Lemonade Stand and The Mum and The Rose. Thanks so much for thinking of me you guys! *tear*

The rules are...
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
There were a few blogs that I was going to nominate, but I know they've received this award already, so I'm going to try and pick some new ones in hopes that I don't create some vicious circle of nominating. hehe..
Greener Pastures-A City Girl Goes Country : Ok yes..it's my mom's blog. But I love reading her stories about moving to the country. They're so funny and honest.
Black Lily Pie : I'm not sure how I stumbled on her blog in the first place. But I loooooove her artwork.
Artist as Art: Ego as the Exhibition : A lovely artsty friend of mine. It's always great to talk art with her. And she's an awesome painter/photographer!
Purrverts : A lovely blog on kittehs! A good read no doubt.
Spike's Travel Log : The travel blog of my dear dear kitty Spike maintained by my boyfriend. It's still in its infancy stage, but I see great and hilarious things on the horizon.
So happy you came to my blog and saw the award..I think it is always nice to know your blog is appreciated..and from the looks of things..you sure are..Congratulations..
Congratulations on winning those fantastic blog awards!! Also, that cupcake stamp turned out really cute :)
Congrats on your blog award! It was well-deserved...
P.S. Can I borrow one of your cupcake miniature photo in your flickr account? I'll give you credit of course and the link as well ;)
Sure go ahead! Thanks for asking!
No problem Jamie, and congrats on the other award. I find your blog always interesting and eye candy. I hope you blog more! =)
Aw, thanks for choosing my blog, even though I'm your mom! Of course you did the artwork on it so that's why it's so pretty!
Looking forward to going to those other blogs to see what's happening.
Okay, I'm going to nominate some blogs. How do you put the logo on your blog?
You are too sweet to nominate our li'l ol' blog!
We sure do love reading yours!!
you just totally made my day. you're wonderful.
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