Thursday, October 9, 2008

a bit 'o flair

Paper Menagerie was nice enough to send out a free piece of "flair" in the form of a button asking whoever got one to take a picture of how they used the button. I must admit I took FOREVER, only having just finally mailed her my photo today and I received the button over a week and a half ago. I was trying to think of something more than just pinning it to my shirt or purse. What do you think?


Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

She's very purrty.

Barrel Racer Kelly said...

she is so cute!!!!!! mojo would look good in 1 4 da house. make clothes and booties too.

Rosebud Collection said...

She looks so sweet..

Mod and Mint said...

She looks so stylish! Luv it!