Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trinket box trinkets

After getting such good responses from people about the trinket box I made Ashley for her birthday, I was really inspired to start making them to sell. But before I could do that, I had to build up my trinket supply. So I've been busily making all kinds of clay goodies. I want to make sure I have lots and lots to choose from. I'm thinking some gingerbread miniature men and maybe some All-Sorts licorice, ooh and gumdrops and then I should be good to start.

Lou ruinned the peppermint candies for me. This is why I don't show him things! He said they look like poker chips and now that's all I can see. *ugh* I'm hoping when they're paired with other sweet goodies, they'll translate better. I made a mountain of them in red and green, so I don't want them to go to waste! Also, I'm not ready to make a poker trinket box at the moment. Sweets and snacks to start. I'm always more inspired and creative when food is involved! Although, miniature playing cards would be equally adorable...

Besides clay goodies, I'm also starting to look around for just tiny miniature do-dads and what-nots. I found these teeny tiny pipecleaner chickies at Michael's. I'm not sure if I'll use them yet, but they're SO CUTE!


Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

You always loved miniatures. And food!

I think the peppermints look great! You can see one of the places a guy's mind is.

Patrizia said...

I love the ice creams! AMAZING!

Lemon Shortbread said...

Those are nothing short of awesome... SO CUTE!

x said...

Such a good idea for a gift for someone and I am sure you will love the peppermints again once they are all mixed up with more lollies and sweet treats!