As you may have learned, I recently (ok 3.5 months ago, whatevs!) moved from Delaware to North Carolina. The boy got a job down here, and I took this opportunity to focus on my art. It's been friggin amazing so far, and I've been loving mostly every minute. I do miss my friends, I'm not gonna lie. But I do love working on my artwork full time. Hopefully one day, we'll be able to move back to civilization, and I can have the best of both worlds!
I'm going to guesstimate that approximately three fourths of the apartment was my craft/art supplies. I seriously considered labeling some of the boxes "video games" to keep Lou from catching on. It was starting to get pretty ridiculous. I need lots of supplies, what can I say??
The drive took somewhere around 8-9 hours between stopping for food, gas, pee breaks and getting lost. I had the pleasure of following Lou in the moving van...which meant reading the back of the truck the whole time. Budget. Bud...get. Budge...get. Go Budget! I couldn't stop making other words with the words on the back of the truck the entire time. The best part of moving to North Carolina was probably learning that they sell beer in average convenience stores. Beer Cave?! Are you kidding me?!? How am I not supposed to pick up a 6-pack at the grocery store every time I need some Cocoa Puffs? I don't want to have a wasted I right??
You are really funny Jam. You're a very good writer. You should try to blog regularly. You'll get a following.
haha, thanks...I've been trying to blog more often.
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