Tuesday, June 19, 2012

my birthdaypalooza

For my 29th birthday (oh my god, is that real?  that doesn't sound right.   I have to go check my birth certificate), my friends and the boy took a long weekend in the Outer Banks (which also happens to be Memorial Day weekend).  I've never been before, but I was expecting something similar to our many Long Beach Island trips.  Beachy town, bars, tasty food, cruiser bikes, walking everywhere.
It was a lot more of a laid back atmosphere than LBI and a lot less walking friendly.  We almost got hit MANY times walking along the road to the bars, before finally realizing we should be hugging the curb ditch a little closer.

Yay, we're here!  The hotel was right across the street from the beach, which was amazing fantastical balls of awesome.  Plus...it was FREE.  Is this a North Carolina thing?  I've never been to a beach that was free and also clean like this one.  The only difference really between this NC coast and NJ is that the beach was really short and the ground underneath the water's edge felt like gravel.  You didn't want to wade in the water too long because it felt like your toes were going to fall off from all of the rough ground.

Neil & Yesenia brought lacrosse sticks.  It's always good to play lacrosse in your hotel room.

Before we got to the beach we made all of these elaborate preparations to build giant award-worthy sand castles, and then mostly just decided to bury Yesenia in the sand.  Actually...I think this was her idea in the first place.

Smile!  You're covered in sand!

The night that we walked along the road, defying death, in search of bars, we ended up at a place called Port O' Call.  It was really strange.  There were animal heads on the walls and old paintings and velvety Victorian couches.  It was a pretty unique (and slightly scary) atmosphere.  Overall, the reoccurring theme with the Outer Banks wherever we went....everything was laid back and low key.  This bar was mostly dead when we got there.  They even waived the cover charge because we had no cash on us (I'm assuming because no one was in there).  It was just so surprising to me because usually Memorial Day weekend is a time people go nuts and drink their faces off.  Apparently not in the Outer Banks.  Where was everyone?

Yesenia danced for me to keep us entertained.

We did get a decent amount of sun that weekend.  Which prompted a mid-day K-Mart naptime, while Neil searched for a book and Yesenia called out our names.  "we're over here mom!"...I kept yelling, but she didn't hear us.  Ok, ok, the sleepytime city was partly caused by sun and partly caused by lots of rum punch at the pool.

Customers kept walking buy and gawking at us like they'd never seen a person sit on the display chairs in a store before.  sheesh.  Okay maybe the blue hair didn't help the situation.

Our last day there, we went mini golfing.  And the best part?  I got a hole-in-one on the last shot!  What a great way to tie everything in a bow.

Actually, the thing that tied it in a bow for me was going to this awesome seafood buffet.  So many delicious things.  This is just plate 1 of 20.  (just kidding...or am I?)

1 comment:

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

That is so funny. That is what Kurt and I always say about our experience in the south. NOTHING GOING ON. But a great place if you want to relax!

I swear, that blue hair does something for your skin.in