Thursday, July 19, 2012

Things are evolving.

heh heh...get it?

So this is happening...

I've started painting neckties! And wow, is it a breath of fresh air to paint on something flat compared to 3-dimensional shoes. No worrying about warped images or funky stitches.

I haven't had a ton of time to make more designs, since I'm also working on a bunch of other things at the moment. But I do plan on making lots more Pokemon-themed ties. They're just so fun. And there's sooooo many Pokemon to choose from! I plan on painting Haunter next. I have a nice dark gray tie picked out for it. Lou said I should have gone all out with bright purple. But I like the spookiness of the dark gray. We'll see!

The first necktie design I painted was Mario-themed, to match the shoes I paint.

Don't ask me why my next thought was Pokemon. I have no rhyme or reason. No, wait, yes...I do have a reason. I love Pokemon. Who doesn't love Pokemon?

On a completely different note...I had to buy a replacement cell phone charger the other day for the one I had that finally fell apart enough times that I couldn't glue it back together again. The amazing sad part of it only cost 58 cents. THAT'S HOW OLD MY PHONE IS. It's kind of gotten to the point where I feel like "we've been through so much" that I don't want to replace it. It's getting kind of pathetic though. One hinge is broke and half the phone tries to fly away when I flip it open. Duct tape only gets me so far. Am I the last person on earth without a smartphone or touchscreen keyboard? I REFUSE TO CONFORM!


Camille said...

The ties are adorable! Can't wait to see the Haunter one! I don't have a smartphone either! *unite!*

magicbeanbuyer said...

Haha, yay I'm not alone!