..well kind of. There's one in my shop! I don't know why it took me so long to get some photos going of these lil hamsters. I have two more not listed yet. Actually, I do know why it's taken me so long. My camera is insisting on throwing a temper tantrum after five or so pictures. I don't think it's a fan of the macro setting. Speaking of the macro setting...am I in the minority when it comes to knowing what the macro setting is? You know, the little tulip setting as opposed to the mountain setting on your camera? I was casually taking about it to Lou the other day and he had no idea that was what it was called.
Anyways, I think my camera needs a new rechargeable battery. I've been avoiding it because I'm lazy and don't feel like looking up the one I need. But now that it's come to the point where I actually have time to list more items, but can't because my camera won't stay alive for longer than five minutes I believe it's time to "bite the bullet" as my mom would say and get a new one.
I started making more wedding figures today as well. They're all sculpted out and ready to be painted. I'll be working on that tomorrow, along with hunting down a camera battery.
*sigh* In a perfect world...my creations would take their own pictures and list themselves.

Oh but taking photos and blogging (and listing - if I had a shop!) are some of my favourite parts!
Let me do it for you! I will work for the low-low price of a Plini :p
(Keep 'em coming, I love these guys!)
Two Cheese Please
My camera doesn't have a tulip! :/
you got it holly! i'm drawing the contract up now. ..hehe
very adorable i like your lil wedding couple below...
i don't mind taking pics and listing-hubs seeks out all matters of technology and batteries, what i need is someone to package orders, cut lines, assault rude staff and muzzle screaming children at the post office-do we have a deal?
Taking pictures is my least favorite part, too! It's sooo time consuming!
(and, yes, I know what the macro setting is called, too!) :)
What a cute little hamster..Batteries in cameras drive me crazy..I have the recharge ones and it seems like that is all I keep doing..but I have gone a little crazy with the camera, so I better keep quiet.
What a cute little shop. I've never seen it on etsy. That hamster reminds me of Hamtaro, a little Japanese character/pet that we have on dvd.
You should make little cages for the hamsters.
Um, I call it the flower. I use it the most. My batteries died recently and Kurt had to get me new ones. First we tried regular batteries but they didn't last for more than a minute and so I had to bite the bullet, lol, and get the special ones for the camera. Whatever they are. Call Kurt.
omg, hamsters are so cute! I love this little charm! And I agree... I wish my things could photograph and list themselves!
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